Cookie policy

Squarespace cookies

Our website is hosted by Squarespace. There are Functional and Required Cookies to enable our website to function. There are also Analytics and Performance Cookies which are used by Squarespace analytics to help us understand how users interact with our site. You can see the exact cookies that Squarespace uses and why they use them.

Google analytics cookies

We also use google anaytics to understand how users interact with our site. We do not use this information for advertising or retargeting.

To turn off anonymous Google Analytics cookies: You can install Google Analytics browser “plug in” to prevent the website sending information about your visit to Google Analytics. For further information please visit:

Check your cookies

For the most common browsers, you can:

  • See which cookies are active in your browser’s settings.

  • Clear cookies from your browser or device, either globally or from a specific website.

For help locating cookies on your device, visit your browser's documentation: 

PLEASE NOTE: As cookies are intended to enhance or enable the usability and processes of our website, preventing or deleting cookies may prevent our users from using the features on our website, or cause the website to perform differently in your browser from what it is designed to perform.